Digging Deep for Self-Discipline
Post date: Nov 12, 2016 11:36:43 PM
Self-discipline can be defined as the quality that allows us to do what needs to be done when we do not feel like doing it. In many situations we know what to do and are simply too tired, afraid or apathetic to do it. That is when we need to stop, notice our fatigue, notice the fear and do it in spite of the messages our apathy, fear and fatigue are telling us.
For three years, I have been telling myself I want to start swimming laps so I can participate in a triathlon. Swimming is something I grew up doing and actually enjoy, once I am in the water. The preparation, or more accurately the thought of preparing has literally kept me out of the pool. I decided to 1) ask for help, 2) get all of the “tools” I needed in one place and 3) establish a process for making it all work.
I asked one of my kids to remind me of my goal and check in to see if I had done it, on a regular basis. In other words, I gave her permission to bug me and nudge me. Secondly I got a functional suit, cap, and goggles and put them all in one place. Lastly, I scoped out the open swim times in my area and selected the ones which easily fit into my weekly schedule. No more excuses. I have a VISION – participate in a half Iron Man, a WAY – my equipment, pool times and a “coach”, and the WILL – I will notice my fatigue, my fear and my apathy and choose to do it anyway, even when I do not feel like it.
Questions for Consideration
1. Where would you like to see more self-discipline in your life?
2. What is holding you back from being disciplined? List the thoughts and feelings.
3. 3. Who can you ask to give you consistent, gentle nudges?
4. 4. What “tools” do you need to get the job done?
5. 5. How can you create a standard process for accomplishing what you want?